Influences around us | Heath generalities | Websites domain 101 | Traffic light problem- solving model | A bit of everything |
Group of people we grow up with
Branch of health that allows us to pay attention to how we feel and be aware of how it affects us in a positive or negative aspect. aspect. Example: I express my family or friends how I feel
Share something you learned in the scavenger hunt
How many steps has the traffic light problem-solving model and what colors does it has
3 steps. colors red, yellow and green
What is a fun fact you learned in the scavenger hunt
Group of people our age with who we usually play and interact at school
Friends and peers
Branch of health that allows us to pay attention to our relationships and how we interact with others. Having positive interpersonal relationships. Example: I play with my friends
Used in websites intended for commercial domain
What does color is the first step of the traffic light problem-solving model and what should be done in that step
Color red. We should stop, take a pause and breath
How do you think friends and peers influence us?
Group of people that live in the same place
Branch of health that allows us to pay attention to our body, it's condition and overall well being. Example: I try to move my body at least 30 minutes per day.
Used in websites intended for educational use
What does color is the second step of the traffic light problem-solving model and what should be done in that step
Color yellow. We should think about what is happening and how we feel about it. Take a moment to look for a solution
How do you think media has influence us?
Mass communication sources such as internet, news and television
Branch of health that allows us to analyze the Information we receive, as well as to challenge ourselves. The desire to increase understanding. Example: I don't believe everything I see on the internet
Used in websites that belong to an official government organization
What does color is the third step of the traffic light problem-solving model and what should be done in that step
Color green. We should put the solution to practice without hurting others or ourselves
What would be an effective non verbal skill to deal with a confrontation
take a pause
breath step away until thing calm down |
Group of people who share customs and beliefs
The ability to consider different options, resources and outcomes to make an informed decision
Thoughtful decisions
Used in websites that belong to an organization
Using the traffic light problem-solving model, how would you deal with your friends taking your belongings without asking for permission
How would you deal with having someone giving you nicknames you don't like?