Catholic Church | Catholic Church’s Reasoning | Counter Arguments | Facts about Healthcare | Movie Trivia |
What is the Catholic Church?
the biggest healthcare provider other than the government, in the entire world.
What are references and quotes from the Bible?
The things the Catholic Church uses for supporting their position in healthcare.
What is earned and paid?
The way some people think healthcare should be like.
What is over $10,000?
The amount the U.S. spends yearly per capita.
What is “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”?
the first feature-length animated movie ever released.
What are medical centers, at-home services, and human service agencies?
One service the Catholic Church provides for the poor.
Who is Jesus?
The person the Church especially uses as an example for how should we act.
Who is Donald Trump?
An example of someone who believes healthcare should be paid and earned?
What is 40%?
The percent of people who forgo necessary procedures and tests because of costs.
What is “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone?
The song plays over the opening credits of “Guardians of the Galaxy”.
What is $456?
The average normal individualized plans cost. (Can be up to 5 digits off)
What is the parable of the budding fig tree?
The parable that the first quote came from.
What is because it has definitive knowledge and direction?
The reasons the church comes back to the Bible
What is 5?
The amount of physicians that Norway has per 1000 people.
What is two meters?
The length of The Death Star's Thermal Exhaust Port in meters.