Nutrition | Other | Mental health and emotion | Drugs and alcohol |
What is BMI
Used to calculate if someone is healthy based off height
What is empathy
Action of understanding, being aware
What is stress intervention
Actions made to prevent a stressor from resulting in a negative consequence
What is fetal alcohol syndrome
What does FAS mean
What is a carbohydrate
Skittles are classified as a
What is intrapersonal
Within a person
What is distress
Negative,feels unpleasant
What is 18
What is the legal drinking age
What is protein
My plate includes fruits, veggies, grain, dairy, and
What is power
Authority or influence over others
What is anxiety
Uneasy feeling,out of worrying about what may happen
What is hallucinogen
Maurijuana Is classified as a
What is minerals
A chemical substance that occurs naturally in certain foods
What is compromising
Satisfying the needs of each other
What is emotional stressor
What is cigarette,snus, and e-cigs
3 types of tobacco
What is unsaturated and saturated fats
The two types of fat are
What is resolution
Solving a problem
What is 4 road blocks
To get less stressed, step 1-eliminate stressor
What is 2 hours
How long does binge drinking take