Nutrition | Mental and emotional health | Drugs and Alcohol |
What is 1 pound of fat
3500 Calories
Stress is good for you
What is hallucinogen
LSD is this type of drug
What is a carbohydrate
A compound composed of sugars
What are the two types of stress
Stress |
What is gender, weight, and time it takes to consume the alcohol
These determine how alcohol effects you
What is a poor diet
A diet high in trans fat and trans fat
List two types of stressors
Work |
What is carcinogens
Cancer causing agents in tobacco
What is a calorie
Unit of heat, measurement of energy
What is depression
Sad feeling
Feeling hopeless |
What is age 21
The legal drinking age
What is a diet
The kind of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats
Signs of depression
Sad all the time
Being by yourself all the time Not eating or eating to much |
What is THC
Chemicals that cause hallucinations in marijuana