Nutrition | Mental and Emotional Health | Drugs and Alcohol | Other |
What is dehydration
This occurs when you lose or use more fluid than you take in and your body doesn't have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions
What is stress
A physiological, psychological, and emotional response to stressors
What is addiction
A strong harmful need to regularly have something (such as a drug) or do something (such as gamble); persistent, compulsive use of substance known by the user to be harmful
What are ways of resolving conflict
Cooperating, accommodating, collaborating
What is heart disease
Poor diet and physical inactivity is the leading cause of this disease
What is distress
A negative feeling that can diminish health and increase propensity to illness
What is alcohol
Created when grains, fruits, and vegetables are fermented
What are things that happen in a good relationship
Work together, respect, listening, honesty
What are carbohydrates
Fruits and vegetables are a good source of
What is a stressor
An external event, factor, or person that can cause stress
What is tolerance
The capacity of the body to endure or become less responsive to a drug
What you should do when you need to feel sympathy
Understand and be sensitive to other persons thoughts
What is dairy
This provides calcium and Vitamin D, which helps to build and maintain strong bones
What is depression
A prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness
What is marijuana
Also classified as Mary Jane, grass, pot, and weed
What are signs of a bad relationship
Argument, distrust, violence, not communicating
What is protein
This helps with tissue maintenance and repair
What is anxiety
An uneasy feeling or the act of worrying about what may happen
What is nicotine
Takes 10 seconds to reach the brain
What you should feel before a relationship
Being happy with yourself