Nutrition | Mental and Emotional Health | Drugs and Other Substances | Other |
What is a vitamin?
A natural substance usually found in foods that helps your body maintain normal metabolic functions.
What is stress?
Physiological, psychological, and emotional response to a stressor.
What is DWI?
A person driving with a blood alcohol level above .08
What is a mental disorder?
A mental or emotional condition that makes it difficult for a person to live in a normal way.
What is what is caloric intake?
The amount of calories consumed
What are the types of stressors?
Emotional, family, social, change, chemical, work, decision, commuting, physical, and environmental.
What is binge drinking
Drinking in large amounts at one time.
What is empathy?
The action of understanding being aware of and being sensitive to the feelings thoughts or experiences of another person
What is dehydration?
It occurs when you use more fluid than you take in.
What is "Fight or Flight?"
Sympathetic nervous system.
What is marijuana?
An hallucinogen derived from the Indian hemp plant.
What is conflict?
Exists when one person has a need of another and that need is not being met
What is caloric expenditure?
The amount of calories consumed
What are the four road blocks of stress?
Eliminate the stressor, change your interpretation,use relaxation techniques, and physical activity.
What is heroin?
Drug derived from morphine, obtained from the opium poppy plant.
What is a resolution
The action of solving a problem dispute or contentious matter
What is MyPlate?
The recommended portion sizes by the US government.
What is depression?
Feelings of extreme hopelessness, sadness, and helplessness.
What is ethanol fermentation?
Biochemical process where yeast changes sugars into alcohol
What is the bMR formula?
66+(6.23 x weight in pounds)+(12.7 x height in inches)-(6.8 x age in years)