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What is Water?
The best source of hydration for your body
What is exercise?
Recommended 30-60 minutes a day in your target heart rate.
What is Chiropractic?
Meaning: Done by Hand
What is a cucumber?
When pickled in a jar, this vegetable makes for a tasty afternoon snack.
What is heal?
This is the root word of Health
What is Milk?
This fluid is made by cows and should be avoided.
What is your skull and vertebrae?
Your central nervous system is protected by these hard bones.
What are subluxations?
These are misalignments of the spine.
What is celery?
There are -2 calories in this green vegetable.
What is the sun?
This is a great source of Vitamin D during the summer to help strengthen bones and boost immunity.
What are Eggs?
This common breakfast item comes from a chicken and is a good source of protein and fat.
What is a Chiropractor?
This kind of doctor is responsible for keeping your spine moving and growing optimally.
How many vertebrae are there in your spine?
What is sugar?
This is found in candy, soda, milk and desserts and is the cause of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and cavities.
What is everyone?
Chiropractic care is for _________________.
What are carrots?
This orange veggie is a rabbit's favorite.
What are bones?
Calcium and Vitamin D are nutrients to grow healthy ___________.
What is your central nervous system?
This controls all function in the body.
What is soda?
This beverage is used for many things including cleaning products, rust remover, and an explosive.
How many vertebrae do giraffes have in their neck?
7, the same as humans.
What are grapes?
When dried in the sun, this fruit turns into a raisin.
What is cancer?
The most common cause of death for Americans
How many sections of the spine are there?
What is Almond Milk?
A great alternative to traditional dairy milk sources.
What is health?
The state we would like our bodies to be in.