General HH Plan of Care Assessment Overload Progress Notes & Timeframes Who Knows...
What is a Core Service?
Comprehensive Care Management, Health Promotion, Transition of Care, Member Support, Referrals to Community Resources- are all examples of... hint- required monthly for all members.
What is the goal?
This must be written in the member's voice.
What is the Comprehensive Assessment?
This assessment must be completed annually- and never past this regardless of member contact.
What is 2 business days?
Per DOH, CHHUNY & SYB, Progress Notes are due within this amount of timeframe since the activity took place.
What is Scotland?
A unicorn is the national animal of this country.
What is by the end of August?
Mark your calendars for the due date all DOH 5201 should be updated by...
What is an objective?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound- all refers to this.
What is the eligibility screening?
This assessment documents the qualifying conditions- including your assessment on whether the member benefits from the program.
What is a Care Manager Note?
I must have 1 of these monthly for medium and high acuity cases, and 1 bimonthly for low acuity cases.
What is True?
True or false- snakes can feel earthquakes 5 days before it happens.
What is the month the member turns 18?
This is the timeframe you must complete a DOH 5055 for a member who turns 18.
What is target dates?
Interventions should not all have the same- what?
What is the CANS-NY?
This assessment is required in order to complete the Comprehensive Assesssment.
Who is External Serve Provider?
"CM spoke with Ms. Burkley, member's School Social Worker, about progress being made toward IEP goal for communication skills...."- The target for this note is this person.
What is Kimberly Costner?
This person is the Early Childhood Assistant at Say Yes Buffalo.
What is false- this only applies when COVID-19 is a factor at this time.
True or False- if a family does not want to meet with you, you can utilize a phone call in lieu of face-to-face contact.
What is a Care Manager note?
We use these to track progress in Plan of Cares.
What is treatment summary form?
If I'm unclear of exposure to lead poisoning, I can look at this medical form to see if there is any history.
What is Transition of Care?
When documenting discharge activities following a ER Visit, CM must choose this type of of activity.
What is Associate Superintendent of Student Support Services?
Prior to assuming the role of Superintendent of Buffalo Public Schools, Dr. Tonja Williams was in this position.
What is the Interdisciplinary Team Meeting (Or IDTM)?
Moving forward, DOH 5201 Part 2 will be reviewed with every one of these.
What is true?
True or False- I can update a Plan of Care whenever the family wants to make changes.
What is the Medical Indemnity Fund?
This source of funding is set up for future medical costs for plaintiffs who suffered a birth injury during delivery.
What is face-to-face contact with a care team member and diligent search efforts?
If a member is in DSE, how can a CM achieve appropriate core service/billable status without seeing the member?
Who is Luke and Emi?
These are the names of David Rust's children.

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