Mix and Match | True or False | Getting paid by the patient | More about getting paid | True and False |
What is National Provider ID and it is issued by the CMS
What does NPI stand for and who issues it
sn encounter is defined as a face-to-face meeting between a provider and a patient
What is cycle billing
this is a type of billing that divides patients with current balances into groups to even out monthly statement printing and mailing.
What is uncollectable accounts
monies that cannot be collected and must be written off
Both phone calls and collections letters are integral parts of the collection process
What is Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
What does the acronym CMS stand for
Once an individual is determined eligible for Medicaid in one state s/he is eligible in all remaining states
What is guarantor billng
This is a type of billing that groups patient's bills according to the insurance policy holder
What is write offs
when all efforts to collect have been made and the price feels it is no longer woth the time and cost to pursue they are referred to as
Suspended claim status is when the payer had decided not to pay a claim
What is Consumer Driven Health Plan
A health plan that combines a health plan - usually a managed care plan and a "savings account" to pay for medical bills before the high deductible has been met is
Medical services such as an annual physical examination and routine screenings is referred to a preventative services
What is embezzlement
this is the stealing of funds from an employer by an employee or contractor
What is a credit bureau
These are entities that gather credit information and make it available to members at a cost.
There is no limit on how long an insurance company can wait before paying providers for approved claims
What is an established patient .
This term refers to a patient who has received sesrvices from the provider or another provider within the same speciality/subspecialty within the last 3 years
The allowable amount is the price the physician sets for procedures
What is Equal Credit Opportunity Act
This is a law enforced by the Federal Trade Commission which prohibits credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status or age.
What is Fair Credit Reporting Act
This is the law requiring consumer reporting agencies to have fair and reasonable procedures
Subrogation is an action by a payer to recoup expenses it paid when another party should have been responsible for a least a portion of the claim
What is subjective, objective, assessment and plan
What does the acronymn SOAP stand for
Fraud is deception with the intent to benefit from the behavior
What is collection agency
These are external companies that perform specialized collection efforts on difficult debtors
What is bankruptcy
A declaration that an individual - or a company - is not able to pay their debts
Employers are required to provide disability insurance to their employees