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What is determination
payers decision about the benefits due for a claim
What is an appeal
A request for reconsideration of a claim adjudication
The list of drugs covered by an insurance plan is called the formulary
What is usual customary and reasonable
UCR stands for
What is open enrollment period
Span of time during which a policy holder can select or make changes to their benefits - both employer sponsored plans as well as Medicare and Medigap
What is an EOB - Explanation of Benefits
This is a document sent by the payer to the insured (patient)
What is redertermination
This refers to the first level of the Medicare 5 levels of appeal.
Coinsurance is the amount you are required to pay towards your health insurance bill when you file a claim. It is typically expressed as a percentage
What is downcoding
When a payer review and reduction of a procedure code to a lower value than that reported by the provider is
What is Advanced Beneficiary Notice ABN
This is the form tells Medicare beneficiaries that a specific service is not likely to be reimbursed by the program. Must be signed prior to the service being rendered
What is aging
classification of accounts receivable by the length of time due. For example 30, 60, 90 days
What is
What term refers to improper or excessive payments resulting from billing areas.
Systematic, logical and consistent recording of a patient's health status in a medical record is call documentation
What is an adjustment
This refers to a change in a patient's account
What is respondeat superior
This Latin term states that an employer can be held responsbile for an employee's actions.
What is Medical Necessity Denial
this denial may result from a lack of clear, correct linkage between a diagnosis and a procedure
What is up coding
This is the practice of selecting a CPT code that will pay more than the actual service performed
Insurance always covers very medical service a patient receives
What is protected health information
The acronym PHI is
What isn DRG - Diagnosis related groups
The system of analyzing conditions or treatments for similar groups of patients used to establish Medicare fees for hospital inpatient care
What is a clean claim
This term refers to a correctly prepared claim that can be paid by the sytem without human review
What is a grievance
If a medical practice thinks it has been treated unfairly by an insurance company, it may file this with the local state insurance commission
Medicare typically pays 85% of the allowed charge for services
What is ambulatory care
This is out patient care that does not require an overnight stay
What is attending physician
This refers to the clinician primarily responsible for the care of the patient from the beginning of a hospitalization