Social Support | Positive Psychology | Happiness Levels & Wellbeing | Stress |
What are close relationships
relationships where there are close bonds and unyielded support
what is positive psychology?
an umbrella term for the study of positive emotions, positive character traits, and enabling institutions
What are genes?
Causes happiness levels are heritable
what is aerobic exercise?
sustained, oxygen-consuming exertion that increases heart & lung fitness
What is social support
reduces blood pressure and stress hormones
what is positive well-being?
first stage of positive psychology
what is taking control of your time?
setting goals is part of this way to be happier
what are stress reducing methods?
increases quality and quantity of life
What is divorce
can lead to poor health due to relational stress
what is positive character?
second stage of positive psychology
what are happy people?
leads to a more productive society
what is practicing mindfulness?
strengthens connections among brain regions, activates reflective awareness, and calms brain activation in emotional situations
What is higher death rate?
those who report feeling isolated often face
what is Positive Groups, Communities, and Cultures?
third stage of positive psychology
what are experiences?
are more worth it than buying items
what is meditation?
Reduces suffering, improve awareness, insight, and compassion.
What is caring touch?
volunteers quarantined with similar lifestyles, those who received __________ had less symptoms
Who is Martin Seligman?
Studied a subjective well-being: satisfaction and happiness on a ratio scale
what is western culture?
prioritizes achievement and individual success
what is religion/religious?
____ promotes life-extending behaviors and those who are _____ are shown to live longer on average