Ways to stay healthy About nutrients Foods (not in slid show) Mystery question ( Do not choose until the end)
Push ups, sit ups, jogging, squats, crunches, planks, ext.
What are 5 body exersizes that can strengthen your muscles?
Whatever you score is you get it doubled.
Surprise!!!! You got x2!!!!!

Candy, Pop, hamburgers, ect.
What are 5 unhealthy foods
Best anwser wins
Why is maintaining a healthy life style is so important.
B: happy and kind
Most people that eat healthy are usually...
A: moody and sad
B: happy and kind
C: crazy and wirde
Repair blood cells and give you the vitamins you need.
What can nutrients do to keep you healthy?
(Two part question)
Blueberry, Beans, Walnuts, Onanges, Tomatoes, Yogert, ect.
What are 3 SUPPER foods
Fast food restaurants us LOTS of oil and other unhealthy foods.
Food at home is better then fast food restaurants?
True or Fales
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E ,Vitamin K ,Vitamin B1 , Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 , Biotin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12.
What are at lest 3 vitamins that are in nutrients?
Water, Boost, Fruit smoothies, ext.
List at best 3 drinks that will boost your NUTRITION

Health 7/8d

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