I Must Humble Myself | I Must Pray | I Must Seek Gods Face | I must run from sin | anything |
To Many Christians Walk Around Like
Bible answer man
Prayer is a
powerful thing
what does I must seek his face mean
we must put him first
we should ask God to forgive our ____
we _____ the devil
We are to be
God wants us to _____ and spend time with him
how do we learn about him
going to Church etc.
the devil ________ into doing bad things
we ______ GOD
what is the first thing God tells us to do in the verse
if my people who are called by my name will Humble themselves
what is Prayer
talking to God
we must put _____ first
I must ____ from ____
run sin
What is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible?
A: A Cat.
what does it mean to Humble myself
to not walk around thinking we are ALL THAT
does God always listen
we are caught up on doing our own stuff we forget to __________________________________
Pray etc.
God will ____ from Heaven
The Ten Commandments were written on Tablets of ----?
if God is going to Heal our land then I must
Humble myself
when do we Pray
we need to ________ we can to get closer to ______
everything God
we must turn from
wicked ways
How much time did Jonah spend in the belly of the whale?
Three days and three nights