Anatomy | Cochlea and Hearing | Otitis Media | Hearing Loss | Assessment of Hearing |
This muscle is connected to the stapes...
Scala Vestibuli (vestibular canal), Scala Tympani (tympanic canal) and Scala Media (cochlear duct)
The three canals/fluid-filled spaces in the cochlea are...
True or false: a child of <6 months with AOM should be treated immediately with an antibiotic?
Congenital conductive
What type of hearing loss is the absence/malformation of the auricle?
Deafness, Vertigo, Tinnitus, Pain (Otalgia), Discharge (Otorrhoea), Itch
Name two symptoms of ear disease.
Equalises pressure between the middle and inner ear, and also drains the middle ear.
What is the function of the Eustachian (auditory) tube?
The bony core of cochlea containing the spiral ganglion
What is the modiolus?
OM with effusion
Middle-ear effusion without acute signs of infection = ?
Infection, trauma, tumour, systemic disease, dermatologic
In the outer ear, name two acquired forms of conductive hearing loss
An objective test which measures the changes in acoustic impedance of the middle ear system in response to changes in air pressure is...
Week 4
In which week of development does the ear start to form?
3 rows outer hair cells (efferent) for sensitivity of the system and 1 row of inner hair cells (afferent) for sensory transduction
Describe the arrangement of hair cells on the organ of corti
3 months
What is the time cut-off for OM to be classed as chronic?
Ringing in the ears
What is tinnitus?
Otoacoustic Emissions
A test used to confirm sensorineural hearing loss is...
o Skin
o Fibro-collagenous core o Mucous membrane
Name the three layers of the tympanic membrane
How far sound can resonate along the basilar membrane determines...
Chronic Suppurative OM
Purulent drainage from the middle ear for at least two weeks and perforated tympanic membrane = ?
Acquired conductive
Otosclerosis is a form of what type of hearing loss?
Can a Weber’s Test detect conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss or both?
Eustachian tube is shorter and more horizontal
Why are children more susceptible to middle ear infections than adults?
The intensity/volume
The number of hair cells that the sound is able to stimulate determines...
OME in children who are at risk of speech, language, or learning problems is an indication for what type of treatment?
Name a class of antibiotic which is ototoxic
Colour, transparency, dilated blood vessels, bulging or retraction, perforation.
Name 3 things you would look for on inspection of the tympanic membrane..