Pain Disorders

Strange Pain Sensory Perception Chemical Solutions And Now for Something Different - Science Writing and Research #YYCTrivia
What is referred pain?
This condition is where someone perceived pain in a different part of the body than the cause.
What is myleination(or mylein sheath)?
This is the part of a nerve that allows signals to "jump" quickly along an axon.
What is Asprin(Ibuprofen)?
This NSAIM(non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory-medication) is frequently used to combat pain and inflammation.
What is jargon?
This is the term for words that are very specific to a scientific discipline that must be clarified when writing for the everyday reader.
What is the Calgary Stampede?
This July festival is the largest of it's kind in the world.
What is phantom limb?
This phenomenon is where a patient perceives pain in a nerve that isn't there.
What is the two point perception test?
This test can be used to determine nerve density in the skin cells.
What is the synaptic cleft?
This part of a nerve is where neurotransmitters are exchanged between nerves.
What is an outline?
This strategy can be used to help organize a piece of writing before you begin writing.
What are the Winter Olympic Games?
This event, held in 1988 showcased Calgary on the world stage.
What is neuropathic pain?
This type of pain is caused by severed or damaged nerve fibers.
What is pain in the skin and associated tissues versus pain in the organs?
This is the difference between somatic and visceral pain.
What is a high risk for addiction or dependence?
This is the primary reason that opeoids are prescribed in moderation.
What is being the actual research(or study) versus an analysis or summary of that source?
This is the difference between a primary and tertiary source.
What is a chinook?
This weather event is unique to southern Alberta and makes our winters more bearable.
What are nocioceptors?
These nerve receptors are specific to pain sensations.
What is the homunculus?
This psychology concept illustrates how large brain areas devoted to touch or motor perception are.
What is an endorphin?
This neurotransmitter has a pain-dulling effect in the body.
What is the difference between two events happening at the same time and one event causing the other event?
This is the difference between a correlative and a causative relationship.
What is the elbow river?
This Calgary river is smaller than the bow and runs through the center of the city.
What is blindsight?
This phenomenon occurs when someone is blind in an eye but can perceive what is going on in that field of vision.
What is the thalamus?
This brain structure is the first paint of contact for most sensory receptors.
What is Tylenol(acetaminophen)?
This commonly available pain-killer is safe to use during all trimesters of pregnancy.
What is effect is (usually) a noun and affect is (usually) a verb?
This is the difference between an affect and to effect something.
What is the +15 system?
This system of walkways allows you to walk for up to 18km downtown without going outside.
What is a migraine headache?
This potentially debilitating condition causes severe pain in the cranium and can also cause nausea, tingling in the arms and legs and increased sound and light sensitivity.

HCS 2120 - Pain and Pain Management Unit Review

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