Red-tailed Hawks typically put their nests in the crowns of tall trees where they have a commanding view of the landscape. They may also nest on a cliff ledge or on artificial structures such as window ledges and billboard platforms.
Where do Red-Tail Hawks like to nest?
4.5 ft
How large is the Red-Tail hawks wingspan?
No, they are solitary birds
Are Red-Tail hawks social?
They hunt small mammals, reptiles, and occasionally birds.
They will also scavenge carrion, as will all raptors
What do Red-Tails eat?
Wing Fractures and head trama
(i.e. radius, ulna, humerus, and metacarpal fractures)
What is the most common injury of Red-Tail hawks in the rehab facility?
How large is a clutch of Red Tail eggs?
Perch hunt usually
(Perch hunting means they sit on a perch while looking for food)
Do Red-Tail's hunt while soaring or perch hunt?
They're monogamous and they use the same nest every year
Do Red-Tail hawks mate for life or do they take new mates every year?
What sense do Red-Tail relie on most while hunting?
Their sense of sight
Impacts with cars
What is the most common cause of these injuries?
28-35 days
How long is the Red-Tail incubation period?
140 mph (while diving)
45 mph normal flight
What is a Red-Tail's top speed?
All of the lower forty-eight and Alaska
Where do Red-Tail hawks live in the United States?
They prefer to hunt on the edge of dense forest and large open spaces
Where do Red-Tails hunt?
He came into the CRC rehab hospital after he was shot with a shotgun
What happened to our resident Red-Tail Henry