What harassment is What criminal offences are what child abuse is where you can go for help and when should you (only if there is a tie) cadet responsibilities and rights
harassment is any unwanted physical or verbal conduct that offends or humiliates.
What harassment is
Attempts aren't or threatens, but act or a gesture, to apply force to another person.
What is assault
A chronic attack on a child's self-esteem usually by a person or a position of power
What is emotional abuse
When you and the person you have conflict with try to resolve it by yourself
What is self help
Answers on phone
What are your responsibilities and rights as a cadet
Threats intimidation or verbal abuse
Unwanted comments about race religion disability or age
Displaying offensive pictures or posters
Sexual remarks or gestures
Inappropriate physical contact
physical or sexual assault
What is one form of harassment?
A form of obsessive behaviour directed, most often, towards another person.
What is stalking
Rejecting, isolating or excluding, ignoring, exploding, confining, terrorizing, corrupting.
What does emotional abuse look like
Reflect on the issue or concern, raising the issue or concern in a respectful manner, allow any other person to clarify the issue and concern, allowing the other person to identify possible solutions.
What can you do to self help
Hazing is any activity that is expected of someone becoming part of a group that humiliates, degrades or risks emotional and or physical harm regardless of the persons willingness to participate.
What is hazing?
Also known as online harassment, is closely related to real life stocking.
What is cyber stalking
Occurs when a parent, a legal guardian or any other person Andrews or threatens to injure a child.
What is physical abuse
Notify a higher authority, or a supervisor if it is outside your home
What happens if the self-help doesn't work
Email, chat rooms, text messages, websites and social media.
Bullying is another form of harassment face to face is the most common. What are different ways people can be cyber bullied?
They can be charged another criminal harassment provision of the criminal code of Canada
What happens to the people who commit any of these offences
Occurs when a parent, I live in Guardian or any other person uses a child for sexual gratification
What is sexual abuse
a senior cadet or staff cadet, a trusted adult, unit cadet conflict management advisor, the corps/ squadron CO and or kids help phone
What are some resources you can use
a. answers may very
b. yes
c. isolation or exclusion
I will now give you a scenario and you have to answer some questions.
Occurs when a parent or a legal guardian fails to provide the basic necessities of life such as clothing, shelter, food, education, good hygiene, supervision etc.
What is neglect

harassment, criminal offences and child abuse

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