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What is Rosie
What is Max's cat's name?
What is Pennsylvania
What state was Max born in?
What is burnt orange
What color is Max's car?
What is 1995
What year was Max born?
What is a pediatric hematologist-oncologist
What does Max want to be when he grows up?
What is Kasper
What is Max's snake's name?
What is Penn
Where did Max go to college?
What is pork roll egg and cheese
What is the Max's go to diner order?
What is 2018
What year did Max graduate college?
What is the Eagles
What is Max's favorite football team?
What is Annabeth
What is Max's sister's name?
What is Atlanta
Where is the last place Max traveled?
What is Diet Coke
What is Max's favorite soda?
What is 2001
What year did Max have his first kiss?
What is Denny's
What is Max's favorite eat-in restaurant?
What is Joe
What is Max's dad's name?
What is Dominos
What is Max's favorite pizza place?
What is a Cadillac Escalade
What was Max's first car?
What is 2019
In what year was Max's beard the longest?
What is Cleo or Otto
Name one of Max's childhood dogs
What is Tammy
What is Max's mom's name?
What is the Centurion Lounge
What is Max's favorite place in the world?
What is beard oils
Max founded a company. What did it sell?
What is 2013
In what year did Max caption an Instagram photo "Here's to the Sexy 7, the best looking bookstore basketball team this campus has ever seen"
What is the world of coke
What is Max's second favorite place in the world?