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The Seleucid ruler who insisted that the Jews behave more like Greeks.
This spinning top forms the basis of a game made to commemorate Hanukkah.
The Yiddish name for potato pancakes.
The Hebrew name for a Hanukkah candlebra.
מתתיהו, Mattathias
This figure, though not typically referred to as a Maccabee, was the father of the Maccabees, and is credited with starting the war against Greece.
This word refers to the spread of Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean and the Ancient Near East.
שעשה נסים
This blessing, recited during candle-lighting, praises God for performing miracles for the Jewish people.
The Hebrew name for potato pancakes.
The Hebrew name for a dreidel.
מודיעין, Modiin
The Maccabee revolt began in this town.
The Maccabees celebrated this 8-day holiday, normally celebrated in the fall, after liberating the Holy Temple.
על הנסים
This prayer, inserted into the amidah and birkat hamazon during Hanukkah, is also recited during Purim.
Jewish children may often play dreidel with these chocolate coins.
נס גדול היה פה
This Hebrew verse adorns driedels in Israel.
There were this many sons within the Maccabee family.
This Greek name, given to Antiochus by the Jews, means "madman."
During the days of Hanukkah, we typically recite this prayer of praise, usually reserved for the three pilgrimage festivals and Rosh Chodesh.
Israel has made this fried doughnut popular on Hanukkah.
The original menorah was lit using this substance (in Hebrew).
Talmud (Shabbat)
This Jewish text popularized the idea that Hanukkah commemorates oil miraculously burning for eight days.
When the Greek Empire split into different groups, the Syrian faction, led by Seleucus, feuded with the faction based in Egypt, led by this ruler.
This rabbi insisted that we light our menorahs with an additional candle each night, instead of starting with 8 and counting down.
These types of foods, also popular during Shavuot, became popular for Hanukkah during the Middle Ages due to their relationship to the Book of Judith.
Hanukkah comes from the three letter root חנך, which means this.
1 and 2 Maccabees
These Jewish texts, not included in the תנ"ך, recount the history of Hanukkah.