Breeds | Enrichment | Bedding | Food | Misc |
Northern China northern Russia Mongolia
Where did the the roborovski Originate from?
The action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something
What does the word enriching mean please put in high definition?
10 to 16 inches
How much bedding should you give your hamster?
True or false hamsters are herbivores?
Spot cleaning
What is the proper method please hamsters cage
Where did the Syrian hamster get their name from?
Helps with the oils in their hair
What does a sand Bath do for your hamster?
What is it called when your hamster goes down into the bedding and builds nest?
Meal worms, Super worms, crickets, dried grasshoppers
Name 4 kinds of protein insects for your hamster?
450 in.²
What is the bare minimum in America for your hamsters cage?
Winter white Russian dwarf and Campbell’s Russian dwarf
What to breeds of hamsters create a hybrid hamster
Basil cilantro sunflower leafs zinnia leafs marigold leafs rose petals sunflowers Mary golds zinnias lavender
Name five flowers and five herbs that are safe for your hamster?
Because all wood shavings have chemicals on them from being chipped into small pieces which can cause an irritation in the private areas of your hamster
Why is cedar and pine shavings bad for your hamster?
True or false are zinnias OK for your hamster to eat?
Because it’s too dusty
Why don’t you want to use chinchilla sand dust in your hamster sand bath?
Where did the winter whites originate from?
True or false hamsters can eat walnut twigs?
Sand eco-earth A little bit of hay
Name three kinds of bedding that should only be used in small spaces of the cage?
Flax sprays, oat sprays, millet sprays
Name three kinds of sprays that your hamster can have in its enclosure?
Wired wheels
Name of the worst kind of hamster wheel that the pet stores sell for your hamster?
What is the nickname for the Roborvski. Dwarf?
Because it allows them to tap into their natural foraging like they would do in the wild
Why does a hamster need enrichment?
Good bedding, paper-based, color-based bedding, KT soft granules, Aspen shavings, hemp shavings
Bad shavings, soft wood shavings, cedar shavings, scented bedding, pine shavings, corn cob bedding
Name three good beddings and three not good beddings?
They do not provide enrichment like leaves insects flowers herbs plants seeds, just pellets
Why no pet store food?.
A golden Dominate Syrian ????????????
What hamster breed dose Charlotte Smithson want?