Themes | Who Said It? | Plot | Character Development | Literary Devices |
Who was someone in act 3 that was killed to prove evil never conquers?
"Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul,/And there I see such black and grained spots/ As will not leave their tinct."
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Name the people travelling with Hamlet to England.
(answers may vary)
Give one argument that suggests Hamlet is insane.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.
Who is Hamlet speaking of when he uses the metaphor of a sponge?
The fact that Gertrude did not see the ghost but Hamlet did can represent this theme.
“You go not till I set you up a glass/Where you may see the inmost part of you."
Can not see the ghost.
Complete the sentence:
Her naiveté and innocence can be reasons why Gertrude... |
This character demonstrates his impulsiveness in act III, scene IV.
Who is the foil in these acts?
The theme of Women
The quote “What shall I do?” said by Gertrude portrays which theme?
“His liberty is full of threats to all- to you yourself, to us, to everyone.”
Where he hid Polonius' body.
In Act 4, Scene 2, what are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern asking Hamlet?
Upon hearing Hamlet killed Polonius without knowing it was him, Claudius begins feeling an increased sense of this for himself.
What does the ghost symbolize?
Poison and corruption, decay imagery
The quote “…like a mildewed ear blasting his wholesome brother.” portrays this theme
“This bad begins and worse remains behind”
Calm down, be kinder to your mother, and remember your purpose to avenge me.
(Variations accepted)
The ghost tells Hamlet this.
This character begins to notice their sins and is humiliated by them.
Dramatic Irony
The audience being aware that Polonius is spying on Gertrude and Hamlet’s conversation and that all but Hamlet know of the plan demonstrates this literary device.
If you associate yourself with evilness, your journey will soon come to end. It foreshadows Claudius' death.
Explain how the theme “evil never conquers” could foreshadow an event later on in the play?
“To flaming youth let virtue be as wax and melt in her own fire”
Betraying Hamlet
By immediately telling Claudius about Hamlet's actions and the murder of Polonius, Gertrude is doing this.
This character does not have a plan an acts uncertainly.
Hamlet uses personification on speech.
What is it that Shakespeare uses personification on, in Act 4, Scene 2, during one of Hamlet’s lines?