Literary Devices | Plot/Character Analysis | Vocab |
What is symbolism?
"Lay her i' th' earth, and from her fair and unpolluted flesh may violets spring!"
Who/Where is Laertes?
Vacationing in France for most of the play until his father's death. Eventually seeks revenge for his father and sister's death.
What is couch?
To hide or lurk
What is an allusion?
The gravedigger referring to Adam from the Bible.
What is an example of the bargaining and depression stage?
Laertes asking for more burial rites and jumping into his sister's grave.
What is delver?
A word that could replace 'gravedigger'
What is a euphemism?
When the gravedigger replaces the phrase "committed suicide" with "willfully seeks her own salvation".
What is Ophelia's internal struggle?
To deceive Hamlet, or to be with Hamlet: that is the question.
What is equivocation?
Misleading; to conceal something.