Antennas | Geauga County | Public Service | Ham Radio History | Ham Exams |
What is 19.5"
This is the length of a 1/4 wave 2-meter antenna.
What is 468?
This divided by the frequency is the length of a 1/2 wavelength dipole.
What is 33 feet?
This is the approximate length of a 1/2 wave 20 meter (14.300MHz) dipole?
Approximately 4 dB (4.229)
100 feet of RG-8X and a 50 watt 146MHz transmitter will have an attenuation of approximately _____ at the feed point, assuming an SWR of 1:1.
What is the G5RV?
This English amateur radio operator named Louis Varney invented this antenna which is named after his call sign.