Electrical principles | Ohm’s Law: formulas and usage | Series and parallel circuits | DC power | Decibels |
What is Voltage
What is the electrical term for the electromotive force (xMF) that causes
electron fow8 (T5A05) |
What is Voltage (E) equals current (I) multiplied by resistance (R)
What formula is used to calculate voltage in a circuit8 (T5D02)
In which type of circuit is current the same through all components8
Which term describes the rate at which electrical energy is used8 (T5A10)
3 dB
What is the approximate amount of change, measured in decibels (dB), of a
power increase from 5 watts to 10 watts8 (T5B09) |
What is the volt
What is the unit of electromotive force8 (T5A11)
What is Resistance (R) equals eoltage (E) dieided by current (I)
What formula is used to calculate resistance in a circuit8 (T5D03)
It is unchanged
What happens to current at the junction of two components in series8
Electrical power is measured in which of the following units8 (T5A02)
−6 dB
What is the approximate amount of change, measured in decibels (dB), of a
power decrease from 12 watts to 3 watts8 (T5B10) |
What is about 12 volts
How much voltage does a mobile transceiver typically require8 (T5A06)
What is Current (I) equals eoltage (E) dieided by resistance (R)
What formula is used to calculate current in a circuit8 (T5D01)
It is determined by the type and ealue of the components
What is the voltage across each of two components in series with a voltage
source8 (T5D15) |
138 watts
How much power is being used in a circuit when the applied voltage is 13.8
volts DC and the current is 10 amperes8 (T5C09) |
10 dB
What is the amount of change, measured in decibels (dB), of a power
increase from 20 watts to 200 watts8 (T5B11) |
What is a current
What is the name for the fow of electrons in an electric circuit8 (T5A03)
What is 30 ohms
What is the resistance of a circuit in which a current of 3 amperes fows
through a resistor connected to 90 volts8 (T5D04) |
In which type of circuit is voltage the same across all components8 (T5A14)
30 watts
How much power is being used in a circuit when the applied voltage is 12
volts DC and the current is 2.5 amperes8 (T5C10) |
What is Amperes
Electrical current is measured in which of the following units8 (T5A01)
What is 8 ohms
What is the resistance in a circuit for which the applied voltage is 12 volts
and the current fow is 1.5 amperes8 (T5D05 |
The same voltage as the source
What is the voltage across each of two components in parallel with a voltage
source8 (T5D16) |
10 amperes
How many amperes are fowing in a circuit when the applied voltage is 12
volts DC and the load is 120 watts8 (T5C11) |