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The name of the holiday that surpasses Halloween in terms of consumer sales
All Saints Day
What is another name for the day after Halloween, Nov. 1?
When was “Monster Mash” first recorded?
Central America
From which region in the world do pumpkins originate?
Good job!
Name 3 ghost type Pokemon
The ability to see and talk to spirits
According to superstition, a person born on Halloween has what particular ability?
In which country did Halloween originate?
The great pumpkin
Every Halloween, Charlie Brown helps his friend Linus wait for what character to appear?
Mary Shelley
Who wrote the novel Frankenstein?
Lavender Town
What is the name of the haunted town in Pokemon?
Pumpkins can be orange, white, green, or what other color?
Bone and fire
From which words did ‘bonfire’ originate?
Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
Transylvania is a region in which country?
What is the name of the pumpkin shaped Pokemon?
Yellow (base), orange (middle), and white (top)
What’s the color order of a piece of candy corn, from the base to the point?
Son of the Devil
What does the name Dracula mean?
Which country celebrates the Day of the Dead starting at midnight on Oct. 31?
What is the first name of Dr. Frankenstein?
Nice job!
Name 1 dark type Pokemon
Cabbage Night
What do people in New England call the night before Halloween?
Your husband or wife
According to superstition, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, what will you see?
Alabama. According to Section 13A-14-4, impersonating the clergy is a misdemeanor with a fine up to $500 or up to a year in jail.
It’s illegal to dress like a nun or priest for Halloween in which US state?
She’s the Bride of Frankenstein, which stands in contrast to the sexy costumes worn by her peers.
What costume does Lindsay Lohan’s character wear to the Halloween party in the movie Mean Girls?
What is Andrew's favorite Pokemon? :D