Part A | Part B | Part C | Part D | Part E |
What is hair?
This is the most frequently found pieces of evidence at a violent crime scene.
What are tweezers or fingers?
You use these to pick up visible strands of hair when possible.
What is a hair shaft?
This part of the hair is composed of the protein, keratin, which is produced in the skin.
What is a continuous medulla?
In this type of medulla pattern, the line remains unbroken, or no break.
What are inconsistencies?
This happens within each body region.
What is a 3-year cycle?
This the amount of years it takes for approximately 250,000 hairs to get replaced.
What are bindles?
We create these in order to place our hairs in and then place it into larger envelopes.
What is a cuticle?
This layer of the shaft is the outer transparent part and protects the hair.
What is a fragmented medulla?
In this type of medulla pattern, the line is unevenly spaced.
What are 50 hairs?
This is the amount of hairs usually collected from a suspect's head.
What is a red head?
This type of hair color tends to have the least amount of hairs.
What is the same basic structure?
All hair has the _________________ structure.
(same/different) |
What is a medulla?
This layer of the shaft is the central core and usually a hollow tube, or filled with cells.
What is a pencil?
This is the analogy we used to represent the structure of the hair shaft. (lead/wood/paint)
What are the 6 types of hair on the human body?
Answers vary
What is class evidence?
Hair is considered ______________ evidence because it cannot be used to identify a specific individual.
What is a follicle?
This part of the hair is club-shaped and they develop during the fetal stage, but no new ones are produced after birth.
What is a cortex?
This layer of the shaft is the middle layer, the largest part of the hair shaft, and contains pigment granules.
What are head and pubic hairs?
They are the most common hairs found at the crime scene.
Who is the principal of Veritas Academy?
Mr. Vanderwalker is the __________________ of Veritas Academy.
What is a secondary transfer?
When my dog hair transfer to someone else in the classroom, it is called a _____________________ transfer.
What is a sebaceous gland?
This type of gland secretes oil.
What is a medulla?
This layer of the shaft in animals hairs show a wide variety of medulla patterns, only one or none in humans.
What is texture?
This characteristic of hair can be coarse as it is whiskers or fine as it is in younger children.
What is a cross section?
This characteristic of hair can be coarse as it is whiskers or fine as it is in younger children.