Water Usage | Water Related Diseases | Water Geography | How You Can Help | GFS and Water |
2 gallons
How many gallons of water are used per minute in the shower?
Fecal matter
Main cause of water related illness.
The Ganges
Most polluted body of water in the world.
The country that our school's H2O For Life Club is donating to.
What is gray water.
The kind of water that is used in the science building toilets.
80-100 gallons
How many gallons of water does the average person use everyday?
0-5 years old
The 5-year age range most affected by water related diseases?
What is the Caspian Sea?
The largest lake in the world.
-Turning the sink off when you brush your teeth
-Not letting the shower run -Putting a brick in your toilet -Not watering the grass when it rains
Three ways you can reduce water usage in your house.
What is 30 sinks.
The number of sinks in the science building (within 10%).
90 gallons
How much water does it take to produce a serving of poultry?
Disease transmitted by mosquitoes that originates in standing water.
Ohio River
Most polluted body of water in the US.
Cost to vaccinate a child against malaria.
What is 5000 gallons.
The number of gallons of water that the science building cisterns can hold. (Within 10% of the correct number)
55 gallons
How much water does it take to produce 1 cup of coffee?
Most common water related illness.
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern, Arctic
Name all 5 oceans.
Because the soap washes into the ground water and into the ocean.
Why is it important to use biodegradable soap when you wash your car?
The total number of water bottles that have been saved by the water fountain on the ground floor of the main building as of today.
A vegan. Vegans indirectly consume an average of 600 gallons of water per day less than someone who eats the average American diet.
Who consumes less water per day, a meat eater or a vegan?
Cholera, Botulism, E.Coli, Campylobacteriosis, Legionellosis, Salmonella, Typhoid, Vibrio Illness
A disease transmitted by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food (Besides Dysentery)
The Nile
Longest river in the world.
A cell phone.
More people have this electronic device than a toilet.
What is 1078 gallons of rainwater and 2059 gallons of domestic water.
The number of gallons of rainwater and the number of gallons of domestic water that were used by the science building last year.