Conjugation | Negative sentences | VERBOS | General questions | Early Spanish |
What is "Nos gusta".
'We like"in Spanish?
What is "No me gusta la pizza."
"I don't like the pizza" in Spanish?
What is "comer"
How do you say "to eat"?
What is "?Puedo ir al baño, por favor?"
How do you say "May I go to the bathroom, please?"
What is "Lunes, martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado, domingo"
What are the 7 days of the week-in Spanish? Start with the correct day in the Spanish calendar.
What is "Le gusta"
"She likes" in Spanish?
What is "No nos gustan las papas fritas".
"We don't like the french fritas", in Spanish?
What is "leer".
How do you say "to read"?
What is "?Que tiempo hace hoy?
How do you say, What is the weather like today?
What is "cuarenta y cuatro"
"44" in Spanish?
What is "Me gusta"
"I like" in Spanish?
What is "A Ana y a Luis no les gustan las galletas."
"Ana and Luis do not like the cookies"-in Spanish.
What is "trabajar".
How do you say "to work"?
What is "Que pasa?"
How do you say "What's up?
What is "fin de semana"
What is weekend in Spanish"?
What is "les gusta"
What is "they like", in Spanish?
What is "A Lizzy y Rachel no les gusta helado frio."
"Lizzy and Rachel don't like cold ice cream", in Spanish
What is "aprender"
How do you say "to learn"?
What is "Que dia es hoy?"
How do you say, What day is today?
What is "Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, y Chile."
Name all the Spanish speaking countries in South America".
What is "Te gusta"
What is "You (informal) like" in Spanish
What is "A los chicos no les gusta caminar en la escuela".
"The boys do not like to walk in the school", in Spanish
What is "enseñar?
How do you say to teach?
What is "?Que estacion es hoy?"
How do you say, What season is today?
What is "ciento trece"
113 in Spanish?