Aerobic Exercise Muscular Strength Special Considerations Benefits Methods
Who are Preschoolers
These people should be encouraged to engage in as much active play as they can
What is 2 times
Adults should do strength training this many times per week
Who are pregnant women
If this group was active before, they are able to continue to be active now
What is immediate
While some benefits make take place over time, other may be THIS
What is light
Even replacing sedentary behavior with this type of activity can provide health benefits
What is moderate
Aerobic exercise includes different categories of intensity including light, vigorous, and THIS
What is all
The number of major muscle groups that should be strengthened during muscular strengthening each week
What is engage in PA regularly and avoid inactivity
If someone is not able to meet the PA guidelines because of chronic conditions or disability they should
What is executive function
Single episodes of physical activity promote acute improvements in THIS
What is threshold
There is no __________________ of minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity that must be exceeded before benefits begin to occur
What is 300 minutes (5 hours)
Adults who want to get extra health benefits should engage in more than THIS amount of moderate aerobic activity per week
Who are children and adolescents
The group for which more strength training days are recommended: Older adults or children/adolescents
Who is a doctor/health care provider
The person under who's care those with special considerations should always be when engaging in an exercise program
What is function
Physical activity improves physical ___________ in all ages
What is 10 minutes
Physical activity can be in time amounts as small as THIS each time, spaced throughout the day
What is archery
Of the three activities listed here, which would not contribute to vigorous aerobic activity? In-line skating, archery, or soccer
Who are preschoolers
The only group for which muscular strengthening activities are not recommended
What is the risk
People should be aware THIS in all activities they participate, but find confidence in the fact that most are safe for almost everyone
What are breast, colon, bladder, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, lung, or stomach
Three types of cancer for which the risk can be reduced through regular physical activity
What is community based
School-based and THIS type of program can both be effective in helping many people increase physical activity
What is 75 minutes
Most adults should get this minimum amount of VIGOROUS activity each week
What is bone strengthening
Children and adolescents should include this type of strengthening as well as muscular strengthening
What is balance training
In addition to following the guidelines for adults, older adults should include THIS in their aerobic and muscular strengthening program?
What is dementia
Evidence has shown that larger amounts of physical activity reduce the risk of THIS in older adults
What are Environmental and Policy
These types of changes can increase access to physical activity opportunities

Guidelines for PA

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