Installing a Physical Network -1 | Installing a Physical Network -2 | Installing a Physical Network -3 | Installing a Physical Network -4 | Installing a Physical Network -4 |
What is activity light?
A light on a NIC that turns on when the card detects network traffic, making an intermittent flickering when operating properly
What is toner?
Generic term for two devices used together—a tone generator and a tone locator (probe)—to trace cables by sending an electrical signal along a wire at a particular frequency. The tone locator then emits a sound when it distinguishes that frequency. Also r
What is crosstalk?
What occurs when the signal traveling on one pair of wires is picked up on other wires within a cable
What is dispersion?
The spreading of a signal, as in the light signal on a fiber-optic cable
What is light leakage?
A glow in a fiber-optic cable caused when the transmitted light on the cable shows through from the inside. This can occur when a cable is bent too much.
What is cable certifier?
A powerful testing tool used to verify that a cable meets the TIA/EIA standards
What is a run?
A single piece of horizontal cabling
What is attenuation?
The weakening of a signal as it travels down a piece of wire. The longer the cable run, the weaker the signal
What is demarc?
The physical location of a network or telephone connection from within a building to the outside world
What is a demarc extension?
Cabling that runs from the NIU to whatever box is used by the customer
What is patch panel?
A panel containing a row of female connectors that terminate the horizontal cabling in the equipment room.
What is a time domain reflectometer (TDR)?
A tester for fiber-optic cable that determines continuity and reports the location of cable breaks.
What is continuity tester?
Cheap network tester that can only test for the continuity on a line
What is bonding?
The practice of using multiple NICs for a single machine to double (or more) effectively the speed between a machine and a switch. Also called link aggregation
What is a cable tray?
A device for organizing cable runs in a drop ceiling
What is stranded core?
A bundle of tiny wire strands
What is solid core?
A single solid wire within a UTP cable
What is cable drop
The location where the cable comes out of the wall
What is 110 block or 110-punchdown block
The connection of a cable to a patch panel
What is loopback test?
A test that sends data out of a NIC and checks to see if it comes back
What is wiremap?
The proper connectivity of wires in a network
What is loopback plug?
A hardware device that inserts into a NIC’s port, taking the outgoing signals and looping them back to the incoming wire pair on the same NIC
What is horizontal cabling
Cabling that connects the equipment room to the work area
What is an equipment rack?
A metal structure used in equipment rooms to secure network hardware devices and patch panels
What is a multiplexer?
A special box in the communications room to which the demarc extension attaches