Jonahs Rambling/ knowledge | LEAGUE OF FAILURES | The Game wasteland | Did he really justy say that | Discord garbage |
What is Jonahs catchphrase when entering the discord with multiple people in it.
Whats up wiggers
its ok too feed early because
its ok we scale
What is the most played game we all have played
Hell let loose
What is Roberts favorite word to use in anger regarding someone acting dumb
What did casey fail too do to get money from brandon
reach plat
What is Jonahs best voice imitation
Joe swanson
What is the most toxic duo relationship
What is a game jonah thought was bad
Anygame hes garbage at
What is caseys favorite name for a caucasian
What is the sexiest photo in the discord
When Jonah is stressed in game what does he repeat
This is fine, this is ok
What is Owens favorite champ in arams
What is the least played battleroyal in the rotation of the discord
super people
What does jonah say when too people are fighting
ok girls your both pretty now lets move on
What is the hardest animal too fight acording too the friend group
What is Jonahs favorite song to sing during nfl halftime
biggest feeder
What is Codys favorite thing to say at random
N***** with a hard R
What is konner favorite crippiled actor name
How many names does jonah have on all gaming platforms
4 Reggaeshark, itsbigcheifin, huskeytek, jonahbuggy
Who made robert quit after one game
What is the game konner bopught full price and tried too get everyone too get but never got any bites
Carrier commander
What is Bradons favorite casey put down (bonus round everyone awnser
crowds decision
Who is mrpoopybutthead