Needs of Plants | Plant Parts | Life Cycles and Seeds | Adaptations | Plant Uses |
What is water?
Plants get droopy if they don't get enough of this.
What is the stem?
This part holds the plant up.
What is a seed?
Most plants' life cycle begins as this.
What is a cactus (or other similar plant)?
This plant has spines to prevent animals from eating it.
What is the root?
When you eat a carrot, you are eating this part of the plant.
What is soil?
Most plants get their nutrients from this.
What is the leaf?
This part makes food for the plant.
What is a dandelion (or other acceptable plant).
This plant uses the wind to disperse its seeds.
What is a maple tree (or similar).
This plant has wide leaves to collect as much sunlight as possible.
What is cotton?
This plant is used to make clothes.
What is the air.
Plants need carbon dioxide, which is found in this.
What is the roots?
This part absorbs water and nutrients from the soil.
What is so the seeds get moved to a new place to grow?
This is why burrs stick to animals.
What is (any fruit-bearing plant)?
This plant grows sweet fruit so animals will eat it and carry the seeds away.
What is maple, etc.?
We build with this plant.
What space?
Plants won't grow very big unless they have enough of this.
What is the flower.
This part makes seeds.
What is eating fruit and pooping out the seeds in a new spot?
Birds help disperse seeds by doing this.
What is a cactus?
This plant has long shallow roots so it can absorb as much water as possible when it rains, before it evaporates in the desert.
What is the stem and flowers?
When we eat broccoli, we are eating these 2 parts of the plant.
What is sunlight?
Plants are green because of chlorophyll, which is traps this to make the plant's food.
What is the stamen?
This part of the flower is where you find pollen.
What is a coconut?
This very large seed is dispersed by water.
What is the corpse flower?
This plant attracts pollinators by smelling like a decaying animal.
What is (any appropriate plant)?
This plant is used for medicine.