Stewardship | Soils and land | Wildlife | Current Issues |
What is stewardship
Responsible use and protection of the natural environment (definition) through conservation and sustainable practices
What is Mixedwood plains
Toronto's ecological zone
What is invasive species (give example?)
Wildlife that crowd and damage other species, hurting biodiversity of the area
What is the precautionary principle
Idea where new products or services whose potential risks are unknown or predicted to be negative should be avoided
What is land erosion
Resulting from deforestation (think land)
What are poikilotherms (like toadies)
Animals that survive freezing temperatures by turning their body fluids into glycerol (anitfreeze)
What is doers, donors, and practitioners
Three types of stewards (roles)
What is leeching
Most prominent cause for soil nutrient loss, occurs when water moves through soil dissolving or transporting minerals
What is an Environmental Management System
a set of management processes and procedures through which an organization analyzes, controls and reduces the environmental impact of its activities, products and services and operates with greater efficiency and control
What is stimulate microbial activity, mix and aggregate soil, increase infiltration, improve water
holding capacity, provide channels for root growth, bury and shred plant residue, provide nutrients.
Ways in how earthworms or other decomposers provide benefits to soil ecosystems (multiple answers)
What are vernal pools
Wetlands that fill up annually but typically dry out during part of the year.