Roman Names | God Families | God of What | Monsters | Heros |
What is Juno
Roman name for Hera
What is Hera
Zeus's wife
What is Ares
God of war
What is Cerebus
3 headed dog that guards the underworld
Who is Hercules
The greatest of all Greek heroes, had to complete twelve labors to pay for killing one of his own children by accident.
What is Jupiter
Roman name for Zeus
What is Hades
Brother of Poseidon and Zeus
What is Aphrodite
God of love
What is the Minotaur
Man eating monster with the head of a bull
Who is Jason
He went on a quest to find the Golden Fleece with the Argonauts.
What is Mars
Roman name for Ares
What is Persephone
Married to Hades
What is Hermes
God of travelers and theives
What is the Hydra
A massive and poisonous serpent with nine heads.
Who is Theseus
A legendary King of Athens and the slayer of the Minotaur.
What is Venus
Roman name for Aphrodite
What is Apollo
Brother of Artemis
What is Persephone
Goddess of Spring
What are the Gorgons/medusa
Horrifyingly ugly monsters who lived at the edge of the world. Their hair was made of serpents, and one look from their eyes would turn a man to stone.
Who is Achilles
The Greek's best warrior in the Trojan War and famous for his heel.
What is Minevera
Roman name for Athena
What is Dionysus
Only god to marry a mortal
What is Hades
God of underworld
What are the Sirens
Giant, winged creatures with the heads of women. They lived on rocks on the sea, where their beautiful singing lured sailors to shipwreck.
Who is Oddyseus
The hero of the Greeks who came up with the idea for the Trojan Horse.