Hellenistic Culture | Philosophers | Peloponnesian War | Alexander the Great | Athen v.s. Sparta |
What was greek culture blended with?
Persian, Egyptian, Indian, ect.
What is Socrates?
Athenian soldier, stonecutter, wisest, drank hemlock
What is Sparta?
They declared war on Athens because Athens was taking money from the Delian League.
What is half Macedonian?
or (not real answer) American/ from the West Indies
Alexander's nationality
What is Athena (A) and Ares (S)?
Athens and Spartas main gods
+70 after himself, one after his horse
How Alexander named cities
What is Plato?
wealthy, related to Kings of Attica, believed citizens could not govern wisely, ALLEGORY OF THE CAVE
What is attacking other city-states allied with the other side?
the effect of Athens having a strong navy and Sparta being land locked and Sparta having a strong army and Athens being too far to have the army march there
What is geography (desert, moutians, oceans, Sparta)
or (not real answer) Burr
what stopped Alexander
What is Democracy (A) and Military Oligarchy (S)?
Types of government
What is koine?
common language
What is Aristotle?
scientific, not from Athens, believed every truths followed from other truths
caused 1/3 of Athens and Pericles' death
What is spread Greek culture, encouraged trade, and founded
or (not real answer) US treasury
impact of Alexander
What is boys, poetry, math, science (A) and both girls and boys, military (S)?
who gets education and what it consists of
What is the library, Pharos, Alexander's glass coffin, museum, and royal palaces?
3 attractions found in Alexandria Egypt
What is Aristole?
tutored Alexander the Great
What is trade?
why Athens was safe when Sparta burning their food supply
What is Ptolmey (Egypt), Seleucus (Asia), and Antigonus (Macedonia and Greece)?
or (not real answer) Lin Manuel Miranda
people/ generals who got the bulk of Alexander's kingdom
What is trade (A) and farming (S)?
economy based on
What is merchants (buisness) and scholars (education)?
Hellenisitc culture encouraged this.
What is Socrates, Plato, and Aristole?
order the philosophers lived
What is the Attack of Syrcasue?
This battle destroyed battle COMPLETELY destroyed Athens, though they were able to fend off attacks for another 9 years
What is "To the strongest"?
or (not really) "best of wives and best of women...."
what Alexander responded when asked who would take over for him (last words)
What is Greek, hard to be a citizen, and common group of gods?
things both have in common