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Who is Herbert Hoover?
The president during the beginning of the Great Depression. A Republican who's response to the depression was not viewed well by Americans.
What is credit?
The act of buying goods now and paying for them later.
What is the Dust Bowl?
The area that experienced severe drought during the Great Depression.
What are tariffs?
A massive increase in these led to a decline in world trade.
What is the Civilian Conservation Corps?
Provided jobs for single males during the depression.
Who is Franklin Delano Roosevelt?
The president who instituted the New Deal in response to the depression.
What is the Dow Jone Industrial Average?
The most widely used measurement of the stock markets health.
What is a shantytown?
Towns consisting of shacks. Sometimes referred to as 'Hoovervilles'.
What are War Debts?
Many countries owed each other massive payments after World War 1.
What is the Tennessee Valley Authority?
Built dams, bridges, and developed resources of this specific region in the 1930s and beyond.
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
A woman who, during the depression advised her husband on a variety of humanitarian issues. Her husband was the president.
What is buying on margin?
People buying stock, but paying for little up front and borrowing the rest.
What is direct relief?
Cash payments and food provided by the government to the poor.
What is unequal distribution of income?
Major differences between the amount of money the rich and the poor make.
What is the Social Security Administration?
Provides a pension for retired workers over 65.
Who Mary McLeod Bethune?
Advised the president on racial issues, forming the 'Black Cabinet'.
What is Black Friday?
October 29, 1929. The day the nations economy collapsed.
What is 'Okies'?
The term used to describe migrants from Oklahoma during the Dustbowl.
What is easy credit?
People were able to easily acquire debt while chasing the American dream due to this.
What is the National Labor Relations Board?
Established collective bargaining and defined unfair labor practices.
Who is Dorothea Lange?
Took pictures for the FSA to show the American people life in rural areas during the depression. Took 'Migrant Mother'
What is deficit spending?
Spending more money than the government brings in.
What is 'Rugged Individualism'?
The idea that Americans should succeed through their own efforts. A view shared by Herbert Hoover
What is the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act?
The act that established the highest protective tariff in U.S. history.
What is the Agricultural Adjustment Administration?
Regulated crop production to increase prices. Eventually ruled unconstitutional.