The Great Depression The New Deal People of the Period World War II Potpourri
The Great Depression
Overproduction, Underconsumption, Easy Credit, Stock Speculation, Banking Panic, Unequal Distribution of Income, and Farming Crisis were all causes of this.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
This program paid farmers not to grow certain crops to reduce surplus and raise crop prices.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
He was elected President by a landslide in 1932, and signed 15 new federal bills into law within his first 100 days of office.
The most significant event of the European Theater, this was largest seaborne invasion in human history, with over 156,000 men landing on the beaches of France on June 6, 1944.
Attack on Pearl Harbor
The U.S. officially entered WWII on December 8, 1941, the day following this event.
Stock Market Crash
This October 1929 event sparked a financial crisis that helped to fuel the Great Depression.
Works Progress Administration (WPA)
This agency was designed to improve infrastructure in the U.S. through building projects and created more jobs than any other New Deal program.
Herbert Hoover
This President received most of the blame for the Great Depression, since he was in office when it began.
Battle of the Bulge
Nazi Germany's last attempt to push Allied forces out of Europe, the U.S. won this battle in the snowy forest of Belgium.
In February 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, forcing which group of people into interment camps in the American West?
Dust Bowl
A severe drought and over-farming led to the Great Plains becoming known as this during the Depression.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
This was established for unmarried, unemployed men, giving jobs to unskilled manual laborers to develop federal lands.
Harry Truman
He became President after the death of FDR, and oversaw the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, bringing an end to WWII.
Battle of Guadalcanal
Overcoming harsh conditions and lack of supplies, the U.S. won this first land battle in the south Pacific, defeating Japan after fighting there for 6 months.
Manhattan Project
This was the code name for the top secret project to develop the atomic bomb for the allies during WWII.
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
This agency sought to improve business and labor practices, creating the 40 hour work week and a national minimum wage.
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Part of the Second New Deal this gave out old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, and aid to people with disabilities.
Tuskegee Airmen
This all-black group of fighter pilots in World War II gained fame for their excellence protecting allied bombers and influenced President Truman to desegregate the military.
Battle of Midway
Considered to be the most significant naval and air engagement of the Pacific Theater, the U.S. defeated Japan in June 1942, the first major battle in the Pacific since the bombing of Pear Harbor.
Navajo Code Talkers
This group of Native American soldiers were key in securing victory for the U.S. at Iwo Jima, and throughout the Pacific Theater.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
This program provided electricity and indoor plumbing to rural areas of Appalachia in the Great Depression.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
This agency was created to regain public confidence in the banking system by providing insurance on money put into individual bank accounts.
A.P. Randolph
This man started the March on Washington Movement in 1941, and successfully negotiated for President Roosevelt to end segregation on all jobs contracted by the federal government.
Lend-Lease Act
To help allies deemed necessary for the security of the country, the U.S. gave Britain and France billions in supplies, thanks to President Roosevelt signing this in March of 1941.
Neutrality Act
Signed into law by in 1939, this initially only allowed the U.S. to supply allies on a "cash and carry" basis, meaning allies had send their own ships to come pick up supplies from the U.S.

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