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What is easy money?
Why were stocks so popular?
what is false?
True or false did Hoover help the econonomy with the depression?
what is they built hoovervilles?
Where did people go when they were evicted from there homes by land owners?
What is Bank runs?
What is it called when people rushed to get there money from the banks?
what is 1932?
What year wad FDR elected the first time?
What is stocks?
What is it when you buy into a company?
what is fireside chats/
How did Roosevelt adress the nation?
what is over farming, drought, poor soil?
What are three factors that led to the dust bowl?
What is False?
True or false, People got all there money from the banks after the crash?
what is california?
What state had a food shortage riot?
What is Gross National Producer?
What is the market value of all products + services produced by the citizens of a country?
what is polo?
what diease did Roosevelt have
What is Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico?
What 5 states were effected by the dust bowl?
What is rural to urban?
In which direction did the poulation move?
what is work progress admidistration?
What does WPA stand for?
What is October 29, 1929?
When was "Black Tuesday"?
what is get people work experience?
why was the Hoover dam built?
What is 2 million?
How many people were estimated to be homeless during the great depression?
what is Indviuals, banks, and businesses?
What three major things were affected by the stock market crash?
What is they did not have money and the children were sick?
In "Cinderalla Man" why did the husabnd have to send away his children?
What is $16 Billion?
How much did the Stock Market drop on "Black Tuesday"?
what is work for younger men?
Why did Roosevelt create the CCC?
what is Okies?
What were migrants from Oklahoma called?
what is jobs for younger men?
What did the new deal create?
Who is Hoover?
Who said "Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the basic strength of business in the United States is foolish"