gratitude 1 | gratitude 2 | gratitude 3 | gratitude 4 | gratitude 5 |
What is being grateful for something
What is gratitude?
What is yes
Did you learn something today about gratitude
What is nature, basketball, soccer
Name one thing someone in this class is grateful for
What is spring
What season are we in
What is 26
How many people are in this room right now
What is yes
Is Family something to be grateful for?
What is 12
How many inches are in a foot
What is the Passion play
what is the name of the eighth grade play
Who is steph curry
Who is grace's favorite basketball player
What is 6
How many colors of air head did we have today
What is God
What should you be most grateful for?
What is blue
What is grace's favorite color
What is twelve and nine
How old are grace's sisters?
What is virtue
Gratitude is an important .
What is winnie the pooh
What quote did we put at the beginning of the slide
What is family, friends, other?
What are you grateful for?
What is yellow
What is dani's favorite color
What is YES
Are you grateful for your retreat leaders?
What is yes
Are you grateful for your school
What is grace elizabeth thomsen and daniela alexis wood
What are our FULL names
What is grace and dani
Who are the best retreat leaders?
What is friday
What day is it today?
What is 1
What is (12 x 50 x 3.4) to the zero power
What is 1492
When did cristopher columbus sail the seven seas
What is ocean
What was the theme of our slideshow