Activity Reports Enforcement Grant Shells Grant Close Out BOTS Staff
What are Reimbursable and Match Hours?
The two types of hours reported on monthly activity reports?
What is the Deliverable Page?
The page where an agency can find where/how to submit their signature page.
What is push the grant to Pending-Closed?
The last step in closing a grant for the fiscal year.
Who is Sarah?
The newest staff member to Safety Programs.
What are with each month's activity report or at the end of the grant year?
An agency can provide their match report details at these times?
What is the Executed Agreement Link on the Forms Menu?
Where can you or the agency find the signed signature page?
What is to ensure grantee activity is reported and reimbursed, if applicable?
Reason(s) open prior month's activity are checked during close out.
Who is Colette Brown?
The staff member that processes festival grants.
What are costs for preparing the grant application or procesing grant paperwork?
This cannot be included as Project Match?
What are all of them (Monitoring by the State, Supplanting, Lobbying Activities, and Buy America Act)?
Of the following: Monitoring by the State, Supplanting, Lobbying Activities, and Buy America Act, these are detailed on the General Contract Terms Page.
What is no? (Must ensure that the date of purchase falls within the current grant year: October 1 – September 30. If not, the equipment may not be reimbursed on the grant.)
Can equipment purchased for a FY14 grant on October 15, 2014 be reimbursed?
What is 34 days? :-(
How many days since Jill Benkert's last working day with BOTS?

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