Sweet Home Alabama | Scores, Scrimmages, & Strategies | Marriage Goals | Cruises to Cruise Control | From Work to Home to Everything Inbetween |
What is Fayette, Alabama?
The town Grandpa grew up in.
What is Washers?
All you need is a brick & round metal object to play.
What is Denny’s?
This establishment is a frequent date destination.
What is Maryland?
This is Grandpa & Grandma’s favorite east coast destination.
What is La Mirada United Methodist Church?
Where we went on Christmas Eve in Hacienda Heights.
Who is Bear Bryant?
The coach that put Alabama football on the map.
What is Cribbage?
You’ve probably been skunked by Grandpa in this game.
What is Hawaiian Luau?
The theme of Grandpa & Grandma's 50th anniversary.
Who are John & Barbara and Joni & Leonard?
Name of the two couples who were the cruise companions.
Who are Bobby & Ralph?
The lifelong friends who sold them their first home.
Who are Cecil & Stella?
Name Grandpa's siblings who live in Alabama.
What is Tripoley?
You win the kitty by going out first in this game.
What is Las Vegas?
Grandpa & Grandma set the trend for getting married in this city.
What is the El Camino?
This car was used for many a camping trips.
What is 40 years?
The number of years Grandpa worked for Certified Grocers.
Who is Lynyrd Skynyrd?
The band who wrote Sweet Home Alabama.
What is Chicken Foot and Mexican Train?
Two favorite Dominoes games in the Belk house.
What is April 16, 1955?
The day they became one.
What is Idaho Springs?
This was a favorite place to stay on road trips back to Nebraska and Alabama.
What is The Reader's Digest?
The collection you could find in the attic in the Hacienda Heights house.
What is an elephant?
The animal inside the insignia for the Crimson Tide.
What is Cornhole?
You might expect this game to be popular in Nebraska.
Who is Jim Bailey?
This person introduced Grandpa to the love of his life.
What is a G3 Glaspar?
The type of ski boat Grandpa owned.
Who are the Cardinals?
Grandpa coached both Chuck & Steve on this little league team named after a bird.