Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 34 | Correct that Sentence/ State the Problem!! |
A mixture of personality, tone, point of view, vocabulary, and syntax shows who owns a piece of writing.
What does Voice refer to in writing?
A memoir is a form of autobiographical writing or writing about yourself
What is the definition of a memoir?
Poetry is using language and writing structure in a unique way to express a writer’s view of the world
What is the literal (book definition) of poetry?
Mary, John, and Sue
When having a list of three or more items in a sentence, how do we separate them?
It is a list, Megumi, Seira, and Leo all had stomach aches after eating habanero jellybeans.
Megumi Seira and Leo all had stomach aches after eating habanero jellybeans.
Omniscient Narrator, Limited Narrator, Multiple Limited Narrator
What POVs (Point of Views) use 3rd-person POV?
Setting, Characterization, Plot, Voice, Theme
Name two elements of a memoir and describe one.
Sound Quality, Structure, Word Choice, Imagery
Name three tools poets use to in poetry.
Add an independent clause, along with a comma if the independent clause comes after the dependent
How do we fix dependent clauses?
Compound sentences, Noah wanted a new set of pencils, so he went to the store to buy some.
Noah wanted a new set of pencils he went to the store to buy some.
Multiple Limited Narrator, Unreliable Narrators, Limited Narrators
What POVs (Point of Views) use 1st-person POV?
A beginning, middle, and an end
What should memoirs always have?
A group of words put together deliberately
Define stanza.
Jin, the singer in BTS, is amazing.
Give me an example of an appositive.
Interjection, Ahh, Yoshi, you scared me!
Ahh Yoshi you scared me!
Novels, Short Stories, Flash Fiction (novels are longer, short stories are short, flash fiction is quick)
Name the Different Types of Narratives. Also, Give an example of one type of Narrative.
Brief periods of time, a few weeks, days, or hours, and also milestones in life
What do memoirs usually focus on?
End-stopped is a line that ends in punctuation, enjambed is a line that does not end in punctuation, and it continues to the next line
What are the two types of line breaks, define both.
A transition word followed by a comma
When transitioning between paragraphs what should we always use?
Appositive, Leo, the super-secret agent, ran out of an exploding building.
Leo the super-secret agent ran out of an exploding building.
Narrative Perspective
What is the use of a different voice rather than your own called?
Write a creative narrative that follows a clear time sequence, make sure the events that take place are clear, add multiple points to show a big picture
What is a good memoir structure? Give three examples.
It creates structure
What do repeating words and rhyme have to do with poetry?
For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So, we use them in compound sentences with a comma
What do FANBOYS stand for? And when do we use them?
Transition phrases, To continue, Megumi should be elected as class president.
To continue Megumi should be elected as class president.