Literature | Social LIfe | Get To Know Graham | Graham's Works |
What is Graham's favorite book series?
Wings of Fire
How many siblings does Graham have (besides himself)
What is Graham's biggest fear?
Acrophobia (Fear of heights)
What is Graham's first book?
James Wilther and the Water Stone's Power
What is Graham's favorite book he has written (may not have been published yet as of December 2021)
The Lost Alchemist
What is Graham's relation to his relative that served in World War I?
Great-Great Grandfather
What is Graham's favorite color?
Who is Graham's favorite character he has created?
Cyril Paterson from The Playground President
Who is Graham's favorite author?
J.R.R. Tolkien
How many natural cousins does Graham have (included cousins yet to be born)?
What is Graham's personality type (example: ESTP)
Who is Graham's favorite character to write about?
Beatrice Michael from The Lost Alchemist
If Graham could live in any book universe, which one would it be?
Harry Potter
Is Graham the oldest child in his family?
What is Graham's least favorite animal?
What is the longest book Graham has written?
The Lost Alchemist
What is Graham's least favorite word?
What is Graham's mother's maiden name?
What is Graham's middle name?
Who is Graham's least favorite character he has created?
Alabaster from The Lost Alchemist