Number Forms | Estimating | Multiplying Decimals | Dividing Decimals | Word Problems |
What is 0.01 + 0.003 + 0.0009
Tell me the expanded form of 0.0139
What is 4.0
The benchmark estimation of 3.51
What is 6.9
The answer to
2.3 x 3 |
What is 0.249
When you place the decimal in the correct spot for the following question
1.992 divided by 8 = 249 |
What is less than
Whether 23.86 divided by 4 is greater or less tan 6
What is 8.000045
The standard form of
8 and 45 millionths |
What is rounding or estimating a number lower?
An underestimate
What is 8.55
The correct answer to: 2.85 x 3
855 Or 85.5 Or 8.55 |
What is 1.25
The answer to 6.25 divided by 5
What is yes
She has 40.125L
Whether Aumira has enough to fill her 4L jug of syrup if she has 3 bottles of syrup containing 1.375 L each
What is
8 and 312458 millionths
The written form of 8.312458
What is 4 cm
The perimeter of a square is about this much when each side is 1.3 cm
What is 32.8
The answer to 8.2 x 4
What is 1.324
Place the decimal in the correct spot in the answer
11.916 divided by 9 = 1324 |
What is 8.50097
The standard form of
8 + 0.5 + 0.0009 + 0.00007 |
What is
The side of a square is about this much when the perimeter is 17.2 m
What is 1.795
The answer to 0.359 x 5
What is 5.405
The answer to
27.025 divided by 5 = |
What is 0.378 g
How much sugar Ayush drinks a week if he has one glass of apple juice each day, and one glass contains 0.054 g of sugar
What is
9.0 + 0.07 + 0.005 + 0.0004 + 0.00005
The expanded form of 9.075405
What is
The answer to the following question is greater or less than 45:
9.47 x 5 |
What is 2 cuts
The amount of cuts a student would need to make to cut a ribbon into 3 pieces
What is 0.953
Pick the correct quotient:
7.624 divided by 8 = 0.953 Or 9.53 Or 95.3 |
What is 0.012 kg
The amount of food a hamster eats in a day if he eats 0.084 kg of food in a week