Terms/Definitions | Scenarios | True or False | Fun Facts about you interns |
Someone who has the ability to change your behaviour
What is Racism
You dress up for Halloween as a First Nation's Chief, but you aren't First Nations. This is an example of what?
What is True
Only the dominant race can be racist, therefore only the non-dominant race/s can be victims of racism.
What is False
True or False: Mr. Blenkin has one son and one daughter
A person or group who is in charge or trusted to make big, important decisions.
What is Influence
You are standing outside of the school yard, and one of your classmates suggests that you try smoking. This is an example of what?
What is True
Everyone holds prejudice beliefs.
What is 5'2
Miss Gordon is ______ feet tall.
What is FORCE
A person or group that makes you do something you don't want to do is an example of
What is Stereotypes/prejudice
You are driving with a parent, and you pull up beside an Asian person at a red light. Your parent says "Better watch out or he'll run right into us!" This is an example of
What is False
There are no cases of Oppression in Canada.
What is 3rd
Miss Gordon and Mr. Blenkin are in their (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th) year of University
A group of people who are treated poorly because of their gender would be an example of
What is systemic racism
The fact that the majority of people in prison are people of colour, is an example of what?
What is False
By having a friend of a different cultural background than your own, you automatically are free of racist beliefs.
What is true, obviously
True or False: Mr. Blenkin and Miss Gordon are BEST FRIENDS FOREVER
Beliefs that everyone holds based on stereotypes
What is Oppression
You are a 16 year employee at a company, and have been managing your own unit for 12 of those years. You're also a woman. You make $30,000 a year. Today they hire an additional manager for another unit named Paul. His starting salary is $35,000 a year and this is his first managing job. This is an example of
What is true
Racism is a systematically inherent part of our upbringing. (We cannot help but to be racist in our society, because of how our society is run).
What is Oliver, Mowgli, or Banana
Miss Gordon has one dog and two cats. What is ONE of their names?