Elements, Principles, and Weaving Needle felting and Wet Felting Knitting Clay and Metalwork Masks and Printmaking
What are the elements of art?
Line, shape, colour, texture, form, value, and space
What is roving?
I am a long and narrow bundle of fiber. I'm created during the process of making spun yarn from wool, raw cotton, or other fibers.
What are needle types?
Straight, double sided, circular
What is a "score?"
I am the process of marking clay with a sharp object to attach two pieces.
What is softnoleum?
I am the material in which you carve on, using a gouge tool.
What is emphasis?
A section in an art piece that is prominent.
What is felting needles?
I have barbs at the bottom of me because they grab the top layer of fibers and tangle them with the inner layers of fibers as the needle enters the wool. Because these notches face down by the end of the needle, they don't pull the fibers out.
What is gauge?
I represent how many stitches and rows per inch and the suggested needle size. Thus I am important in that this information gives you an idea of what the final knitted fabric will look like.
What is a "slip?"
I am watery clay used as glue.
What is documenting a print?
You number your print on the left - 1/3. The title of your piece goes in the middle and the name and date go in the right . All of this is on the lower white edge of the print completed in pencil.
What are the three forms of balance?
Symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radial
What is 2D felt objects?
To create me you lay carded wool on a foam pad and begin jabbing the wool in a straight up and down motion. You continue poking the wool until it begins to felt. You felt the wool until it becomes attached, and holds together firmly.
What are different needle sizes?
The purpose of my different sizes is dependent on what your creating. An example could be that if your creating a blanket, you'd use larger version of me, whereas if your making a small hand cloth, I'd be much smaller.
What is metal embossing?
I use a aluminum metal roll, a knitting needle, pencil, or a pointed object of your choice, and a styrofoam sheet to create what?
What is mask making?
Materials typically used include plaster, vaseline, and water.
What is warp?
In weaving cloth, this is the set of lengthwise yarns that are held in tension on a frame or loom.
What is dry felting?
I occur when the wool fibers are matted together using a special felting needle. You have a lot of control over the final shape and more detailed designs can be made this way.
What are abbreviations?
CO- cast on
BO- bind off
K- knit
P- purl
YO- yarn over
What is "glaze?"
I am a layer or coating of a substance which has been fused to a clay piece through firing. I can serve to color, decorate, strengthen or waterproof an item.
What is relief print making?
I am the process where the protruding surface faces of the printing plate or in our case the softnoleum are inked. I am then applied with pressure to a piece of paper with a brayer.
What is a loom?
I am a device used to weave cloth. The basic purpose of me is to hold the warp threads under tension to allow the interweaving of the weft threads.
Felt dates back to what era?
I was one of the first materials known to man, dating back to 6,500 BC
What are yarn weights?
I vary from size 0 (lace), 1 (super fine), 2 (fine), 3 (light), 4 (medium), 5 (bulky), 6 (super bulky)
What is wedging clay?
I am the process of pushing clay repeatedly in order to remove air bubbles and extra moisture.
What is the cultural history of masks?
I have been used in rituals and ceremonies and am a very ancient human practice across the world. Although I can also be worn for protection, in hunting, in sports, in feasts or in wars or simply used as a decoration.

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