Holiday Movies 1 Holiday Movies 2 Holiday Music Holiday Traditions Holiday Randoms
What is the Red Rider BB Gun
Bonus: what did his parents say?
The gift Ralphie desperately wants in "The Christmas Story" movie?
Who is Tiny Tim
Name of Bob Cratchit's son in "A Christmas Carol"?
Who is Grandma
Someone got run over by a reindeer coming home from our house Christmas Eve?
What is Diwali
A major five day festival observed in fall, celebrates good over evil and light over darkness.
What is kissing
Do this while standing under mistletoe
Who is Max
The name of the Grinch's dog?
What is getting their tongue stuck to the ice pole at recess
This happens to the character "Flick" in the movie "A Christmas Story"?
What is 10 Lords A-leaping
On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...?
What is Hanukkah
During this holiday it is common to eat donuts called sufganiyot
What is Eggnog
The most famous holiday beverage
What is 25,000 lights
The number of lights on the Griswold's house in "National Lapoon's Christmas Vacation" movie?
What is take a 10 day Caribbean cruise
In "Christmas with the Kranks" the family decides to do this instead of a traditional Christmas?
What are chestnuts
This is roasting on an open fire.
What is Germany.
Bonus: how long does it take to grow a Christmas tree?
This country started the tradition of a Christmas tree in 1747
What is Turkey
(the original St Nick gave away all his inherited wealth and travelled helping the poor and sick)
The original Saint Nicholas, born sometime around 280 A.D. is from this country.
What is "The Grinch" ($512Mil)
Bonus: previous highest 1990-2019, now 2nd
The highest grossing holiday movie of all time which reached the top of the chart in 2019.
What is Candy / Candy Canes / Candy Corn / Syrup
The four major food groups for Buddy in the movie "Elf"?
What is "Silent Night"
The most covered holiday song of all time which first debuted in 1818.
What are piƱatas
Often a seven pointed star representing the seven deadly sins, this is smashed to conclude 'posada' in Mexico.
What is assembled the first strand of electric lights. (hand wiring 80 bulbs together)
Edward H Johnson (Thomas Edison's partner) did this for the first time in 1882.
Who are the ghosts of Past / Present / Yet to Come
Name the three ghosts that visit Ebenezer Scrooge?
What is his heart grew three sizes that day
The number of sizes the Grinch's heart grows when he experiences the true meaning of Christmas?
What is Blue Christmas
Elvis Presley sang this smooth Christmas tune.
What is Kentucky Fried Chicken
This is the traditional meal on December 25th in Japan
What is the Nutcracker
This ballet premiered in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1892

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