Iran Global Warming Technology Women's Rights In the News
What are nuclear weapons?
The UN has forbid Iran from developing these weapons that Iran may be developing, despite their denials.
Who is Al Gore?
This Former Vice President and Presidential candidate spearheaded the fight against global warming with his film an Inconvenient Truth.
What is the cell phone?
This ubiquitous device has helped poorer nations by giving them access to banking, the internet, and for verification if medication is real,
What is Saudi Arabia?
In this Middle Eastern kingdom, a US ally, women are not allowed to drive, vote, or go out unaccompanied by a man.
What is Latin America?
The new pope is from this region of the world.
What are cloaks that Muslim women wear in public?
The burqa, chador, abaya, and niqb are examples of these
What are London, Venice, Cairo, Bangkok, and Shanghai?
Two world cities that could be critically endangered by the sea rising due to global warming.
What is the 3D printer?
This new innovation allows any object designed on the computer to be created in plastic
What is Afghanistan?
The case of Sahar Gul in which she was forced to marry at 13 and was beaten and tortured oby her in-laws shone a light on the vulnerability of women in this country.
What are Newtown, CT and Aurora, CO
The two most recent mass shootings took place in these towns.
What is the Iranian Hostage Crisis?
The US no longer has an embassy in Iran because of this 1979 event.
What is Greenland?
The region with vast mineral deposits that are now accessible because of melting Arctic ice.
What is a drone?
Anwar Al-Awlaki, an American-born radical Muslim cleric was assassinated using this device.
What are the same physical tests required by men for the same jobs?
The requirement for women who now wish to serve in combat positions in the US military.
What is for advocating for the education of girls in Pakistan.
Malala Yousafai was shot in the head for this reason.
What is a theocracy?
The type of government currently in Iran in which religious laws are state laws.
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
A scientific phenomena in which warm air is trapped in the atmosphere by gases rather than being reflected back to the sun.
Who are China and Iran?
The two countries thar are of most concern when it comes to cyberattacks.
What is $.77?
The average wmoen makes this wage for every dollar that a man makes.
Who is Kim Jong Un?
This North Korean leader has been threatening to use nuclear weapons.
Who is the shah?
The US and the CIA engineered a coup d'etat to overthrow Iran's first Prime Minister and installed this man instead in 1953.
What is the Kyoto Protocol?
An agreement between 37 countries to reduce carbon emissions adopted in 1997 and put into practice in 2005.
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The first atomic bomb was dropped on these two cities.
What is less than 3/4 of the states ratified it?
The ERA amendment was not ratified for this reason.
What is Egypt?
Mohammed Morsi granted himself sweeping powers in this country.

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