Preamble | Legislative Branch | House of Representatives | Declaration of Independence | Random Trivia |
What is the preamble?
It introduces the constitution.
What is another name of the legislative branch?
What is total of members in the House of Representatives?
What is number of men who signed the Declaration of Independence?
What is name of Ms. Erin's oldest child?
What is the first line of the constitution?
We the people
What are the two houses in the legislative branch?
House of Representatives and Senate
What is the minimum age of someone wanting to be voted into the House of Representatives?
What is biggest signature on the Declaration?
John Hancock
What is number of years Ms. Erin has been teaching?
What does secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity mean?
Have freedom for themselves and future Americans.
What is the main job of the legislative branch?
Making laws
What is term length?
2 years
What is the reason for the Declaration of Independence?
To free the United Colonies from England.
What is Ms. Erin's favorite holiday?
What is the responsibility of the government?
The six goals listed in the preamble.
What is the House of Representatives' numbers based on?
What is the leader called?
House Speaker
What is king's name?
King George III
What is an author Ms. Erin really likes?
Tamora Pierce
What is the purpose of the constitution listed in the preamble?
To form a more perfect union.
What is the Senates' numbers based on?
Each state has the same number.
What is another requirement to be elected?
Must live in the state representing.
What is the day that the Declaration of Independence finished?
July 7, 1776
What is Ms. Erin's favorite subject to teach?