Fiscal and Monetary | Public Policy & The Branches of Government + Checks and Balances | Ohio Contistution | Voting Vocab | Court Cases |
True or False: Expansionary policy can lead to inflation
The Legislative Branch
What branch institutes impeachment proceedings?
It banned poll taxes
What did the Ohio Constitution of 1851 do about poll taxes?
What is the term when a certain party groups districts with similar parties to work in their favor?
Plessy v. Ferguson
Which court case promoted the idea of separate but equal?
Which policy involves decreasing government spending?
Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court presides over impeachment trials?
Judicial checks Legislative
Once a year in every county
How often did the Supreme Court meet under the original Ohio Constitution?
What is the smallest unit of election administration?
New Jersey v. TLO
Which court case gave schools the power of reasonable suspicion?
What is another word for "discount" in discount rate?
Federal Executive
What level and branch is the Department of State a part of?
Legislative powers to enact retroactive laws were prohibited.
How did the adoption of the Ohio Constitution limit the power of the General Assembly?
Straight Ticket Voting
Which ticket has only one party choice on it?
Dred Scott v Sandford.
What court case has to do with slave and property rights?
Contractionary policies are implemented
What happens when there is inflation?
County Commissions
What is an example of public policy for the Local Legislative/Executive level/branch?
State legislators used too much money for unnecessary things.
Why were debt limitations created?
When closed only certain members can vote, and when open anyone can vote.
What is the difference between open and closed primary?
You cannot force or teach religion in public schools.
Engle v Vitale decided what?
The Fed
Who is in charge of open market operations?
State Legislature; assists in drafting Legislature
What does the Ohio Legislature Service Commission do and what level & branch is it a part of?
By the people
How was the governor chosen under the original Ohio Constitution?
The number of representatives plus 2 senators.
How do we decide how many electoral votes each state gets?
The president would pick and choose what he wanted to be in certain laws and vetos. Ruled unconstitutional.
What was Clinton v Ny ruled as?